7mm Remington Short Action Ultra Magnum (SAUM)
195 Berger Elite Hunter EOL
$100/ Box of 20

Overall Length: 2.950", much longer than standard SAAMI spec. Requires a medium length action and/ or modified magazines to fit and function. Perfect for custom builds.
Brass: ADG
Primer: CCI BR-2
Test Barrel: 24" Hawk Hill 1:8" Twist
Velocity: 2,795 fps
G1 BC: .755
G7 BC: .387
Minimum Twist: 1:9"
Minimum Impact Velocity: 1,800 fps
Recommended Game: All big game short of the coastal brown and polar bears, where we generally recommend 30 caliber magnum cartridges or larger.
Berger Elite Hunter Rifle Bullets utilize their industry-leading hybrid ogive, which blends tangent and secant designs to optimize efficiency, reduce wind-drift, and minimize sensitivity to seating depth. Elite Hunter Rifle Bullets are identical in construction, shape and performance to the Berger Hybrid Target series, except they utilize a thinner J4 Precision Jacket for rapid expansion on game animals. Elite Hunters are designed to penetrate 2-3″ into the vitals and then begin to expand and create a massive wound cavity up to 15″. This delivers maximum organ/tissue damage and extreme hydrostatic shock aiding in an ethical kill.
This round does very well for the hunter that shoots medium to long range where the superior BC helps this bullet retain its velocity longer and have what it takes when it gets there to get the job done.
This round was designed for hunters using medium action lengths and magazines like a Tikka long action or a custom. Overall Length of this round is way beyond standard short actions and will not fit or function through a standard short action. Overall length is similar to the 6.5 PRC at 2.950".
We measure each powder charge to within +/- .02 grains on our Autotrickler powder systems. We seat each bullet with Redding competition seat dies on our Forster Co-Ax single stage press. We load them one at a time! Each round is hand measured for consistency and placed into our hard plastic, twenty count boxes. Each box has a foam insert and neoprene strap to keep your rounds secure in the field. This is loaded ammunition.
Please Call or Text to place your order
(616) 299 - 1349