32 Winchester Special
165 Hornady FTX
Special Order
$95/Box of 20

Brass: Quality Cartridge Co
Primer: CCI 200
Velocity: 2,110 fps from 20" Winchester 1894
G1 BC: .310
G7 BC: na
SD: .256
Min Twist: na
MIV: 1,600
Recommended Game: We recommend this round for all big game inside 150-200 yards, except the large coastal brown and polar bears, where we generally recommend 30 caliber magnums and larger.
This round might come down considerably in price if we can source Starline or Hornady brass at a substantial savings over the more custom QCC brass we are currently using. We can also reload your brass if you have it available, which will save you quite a bit as well. Call us with questions.
This bullet is Hornady's answer to get a little more range out of the tube magazine fed lever action rifles. The performance on game is essentially the same as their Interlock or SST line of bullets. At the lower velocities of lever gun rounds, these work very well on game. The pointy tip is soft and flexible to prevent an accidental firing while in the magazine.
This round has been designed to fit and function through lever action rifles with tubular magazines.
We measure each powder charge to within +/- .02 grains on our Autotrickler powder systems. We seat each bullet on our Forster Co-Ax single stage press. We load them one at a time! Each round is hand measured for consistency and placed into our hard plastic, twenty count boxes. Each box has a foam insert and neoprene strap to keep your rounds secure in the field. This is loaded ammunition.
Please Call or Text to place your order (616) 299-1349