300 Winchester Magnum
180 Maker T-Rex
$86/Box of 20

Brass: ADG
Primer: CCI 250
Test Barrel: 24.3" Tikka 1:10" twist
Velocity: 3,000 fps
G1 BC: .520
G7 BC:
Minimum Twist: 1:10"
Minimum Impact Velocity: na
Recommended Game: All big game.
Maker Rex and T-Rex bullets are produced from solid copper on a lathe. They are extremely precise. They are designed to retain virtually 100% of their original weight while generating a massive three petal mushroom up to 3x caliber. These bullets create a massive wound cavity. The tipped version increases BC to be on par with most lead core bullets of the same weight.
This round is designed to fit and function through standard rifles chambered in 300 Winchester Magnum with 1:10" twist or faster.
We recommend this round for all big game.
We measure each powder charge to within +/- .02 grains on our Autotrickler powder systems. We seat each bullet with Redding competition seat dies on our Forster Co-Ax single stage press. We load them one at a time! Each round is hand measured for consistency and placed into our hard plastic, twenty count boxes. Each box has a foam insert and neoprene strap to keep your rounds secure in the field. This is loaded ammunition.
Please Call or Text to place your order (616) 299 - 1349